We want to discuss one of the simple and common ways that can lead to the destruction of a business, although we hope your business never goes down this path. This mistake is made by many small business owners in the realm of marketing and is one of the main reasons for the marketing failure of those businesses.

If you, the reader of this article, are a small business owner, you have likely thought about marketing and sales. You have probably always asked yourself what approach you will take in marketing. How will you manage advertising for your products?

The most common decision-making method for this issue is to look at how our large, successful competitors market their products and imitate them.

We think that if we use their marketing methods, we will surely be successful like that company. The reason we say that if you follow the marketing strategies of large

companies, the chances of your business failing are high is due to two main reasons:

1. Large Companies Have Different Agendas:

Their strategies and priorities differ from those of your small business. If we were to give a few examples of the marketing priorities of large companies, they would look something like this:

  • Satisfying the board of directors
  • Calming shareholders
  • Convincing the biases of executives
  • Meeting the expectations of current customers
  • Winning advertising and creativity awards
  • Gaining support from shareholders and various committees
  • Profitability

In contrast, the marketing priority for small businesses is often just one thing: profitability.

2. Large Companies Have Different Marketing Budgets:

Certainly, the marketing strategy of a small company is very different from 

that of a large company with thousands of employees and billion-dollar sales. If we try to use the same strategies that large companies use, we will not achieve results in our small businesses. Your marketing budget will be like a drop in the ocean, completely ineffective and wasted.

As you can see, the marketing priorities of small and large companies differ significantly because their strategies and execution are very different.